We love what we do and it shows. From innovative technology to personal connection our staff shows that education need not be cold and impersonal. Our highly qualified instructors bring energy, humour, and excitement to their work.  Their diverse backgrounds in massage therapy, medicine, science, physiotherapy, chiropractic, business and ethics make all the difference to our program. They are dedicated to excellence and engaged in their work. Come and meet them in person.

Roxanne Petruk RMT
Executive Director
Terry Francis RMT
Clinical Director
Robynne Ouchi RMT
Practical Director, Communication and Ethics, Business
Katie Fairles RMT BSc.
Academic Director, Musculoskeletal Anatomy, Pathology
Debbie McLaughlin RMT BSc.
Special Projects, Research, Curriculum resources
Karen Henkel
Clinical and Store Assistant
Lindsay Petruk BTM
Office Coordinator
Tanya Greffard
Admissions & Marketing Coordinator, Liasion Support Coordinator
Haili Valin
Student and Faculty Services Coordinator
Danielle Wycott
Clinical Administrative Assistant
Sheen Oishi MBA
Special Projects, Remote
Richard Hoglund RMT BSc.
Clinical Theory and Practice
John Zandvliet RMT
Joint Mobilizations
Alison Coolican RMT
Kevin Leco PhD.
Anatomy & Physiology, Integrated Science
Tina Windrem RMT
Hydrotherapy, Massage Theory & Practice, Clinical Assessment
Tara Fulop RMT
Massage Theory and Practice, Sports Massage , Clinical theory and Practice
Josiane Maillet RMT
Clinical Theory and Practice, Advanced Techniques,
Tara Harpnick RMT
Clinical Supervisor
Glenn LeBlond RMT
Clinical Supervisor
Anna Van De Vosse RMT BSc.
Musculoskeletal 1 & 2
Devin Welch DC
Neuroanatomy 1 & 2
Amanda Vallance BHK MSc PT
Integrated Science, Clinical assessment, Clinical theory
Lance Booi RMT
Clinical theory and practice
Dave Morgan DC
Pathology 1 & 2
Avalon Richter RMT
Sports Massage, Clinical Theory and Practice, Hydrotherapy, Massage Theory & Practice
Vicky Bhardwaj RMT
Clinical Supervisor
Rio Levan RMT
Clinical Supervisor
Erika Barnett RMT
Clinical Supervisor, Integrated Science
Alison Edmonds RMT
Clinical Supervisor
Sonja Rawlings RMT
Clinical Supervisor
Lani Peters RMT
Clinical Supervisor
Nicole McLean RMT
Clinical Supervisor
Kathleen Dubois RMT
Program Advisory Committee Chair
David Sheets RRT, ID, MA
Program Advisory Committee
Steve Hofmann DC, BKin
Program Advisory Committee
Eric Cadham RMT
Program Advisory Committee
Alan Petruk
Facilities Manager

Management Team

Administrative Team

Clinical Team

Program Advisory Commitee