Year One

Massage Theory and Practice MTP100, 200, 300,

MTP100-The focus of this course is on foundational Swedish massage techniques. An overview is given of biomechanics, physical stress management, and corrective actions. This course includes client therapist/interview, health history, postural assessment, and determining when massage is indicated.


MTP200 – Student build specific hands on skills in techniques. Students are taught in the use of neuromuscular and fascial techniques with focus on trigger point application. A continued development of assessment, palpation and communication is included.


MTP300-This course will further develop and integrate the skills learned in MTP100 and MTP200 including; Non-Swedish techniques, introduction to scar tissue and lymphatic drainage techniques, infant massage, physiology of tissue healing and the inflammatory process, and assessment and treatment of general orthopedic soft tissue conditions. 


INFANT MASSAGE: The Instructor lead sessions on safe and effective massage for young babies. Babies and moms and/or dads are present for the last session.


Hydrotherapy HYDRO100

Students are introduced to the therapeutic applications of water in all its forms. Safe use of hot and cold and other modalities, such as contrast baths, and sauna are included. This course presents the theory of infrared light and their application in massage therapists practice.

Clinical Assessment CA200

Using the adapted Cyriax Model of Musculoskeletal Assessment, students will develop assessment skills including patient history, visual observation, postural assessment, palpation, functional movement and range of motion assessment, muscle length and strength assessment, neurological, and special test assessment. Students will learn to perform, document, critically analyze/modify and integrate these skills while maintaining patient and therapist safety



This course develops palpation skills and introduces direct and indirect myofascial techniques. This course builds on musculoskeletal knowledge from Term 1.  

Sports MassageSPORT300

The primary focus in this course is the use of manual techniques in athletic situations, including pre-event, injury prevention and rehabilitation. To facilitate skill development, integration and application of material learned in class, students will have the opportunity to work on-site at sports events.


Year One Clinic

Students practice and integrate the skills they have developed to date under the supervision and mentorship of a professional massage therapist.
The primary focus of first year clinic is systemic massage with emphasis on stress reduction and wellness. Students practice professionalism and teamwork, while taking responsibility for all aspects of clinic operation.

Preparation classes include lifts and transfers, pregnancy as well as reception and professional paperwork information.


Year Two

Clinical Theory and Practice CTP400,500,600

CTP400 -This course integrates all practical course material learned to date. Students are introduced to a treatment management model and will apply assessment and treatment for specific pathological musculoskeletal and systemic conditions. Principles of exercise and its application and integration in the practice of massage therapy, with emphasis on core stabilization, stretching, strengthening, endurance, and coordination are covered. Comprehensive regional and systemic approaches will be used.


CTP500 -This course is a continuation of CTP400. Students’ complete assessment and treatment of lower body pathologies and move into upper body conditions.  The course focuses on integration of all skills and techniques learned to date and prepares students for entry level to practice exams. 


CTP600 - The summative course completes the application of a treatment management model for specific regions of the  body, and shifts to integration of skills and techniques learned in preparation for entry to practice level exams. 


Therapeutic Exercise TE400,500

TE400 – Therapeutic Exercise in a synthesis class that builds on  Musculoskeletal  Anatomy and  Physiology knowledge, while layering on increasingly complex pathologies, injuries, and considerations, with a remedial exercise and recovery focus.


TE500 – This course continues to apply the concepts from Therapeutic Exercise 400 to the remaining areas of the body.

Joint MobilizationsJTMOB400

Students are introduced to the principles, indications and contraindications of joint mobilizations. Emphasis is on joint play assessment, and treatment through appropriate mobilization techniques. This course integrates musculoskeletal knowledge, palpation skills and communication.

Advanced TechniquesADVTEC600

This course introduces advanced techniques that require a heightened level of palpative, manual and intuitive skills. A focus will be on understanding the benefits, contraindications and precautions. Techniques include counterstrain, muscle energy techniques.  


Students further their knowledge of how to facilitate muscle and fascia manipulation techniques in treatment from Myofascial 200, applying the clinical experiences they have had since that time. Second year palpation skills give new light to methods of soft tissue assessment and treatment after complex adhesions and injury with an enhanced level of palpatory skill. 

Clinical Outreach

Students are placed in practicum rotations where they work with clients experiencing both chronic and acute pathologies. This allows the students to integrate skills learned to date, under the supervision of registered massage therapist supervisor/mentors. Such placements include Neurological, Systemic, Sports, Maternity, Geriatrics, Orthopedic, Cancer and Scar clinics. 

Classes are scheduled to facilitate preparation, debriefing, documentation and discussion of educational requirements. Preparation classes include online charting, maternity and other real world life skills. Some practicums are scheduled outside of regular class hours