As a student in a massage therapy program, you are not only learning the skills necessary to become a registered massage therapist, but you are also building a professional network that will be invaluable in your future career. Networking is an essential part of any profession, and massage therapy is no exception. Here are some tips for networking and building professional connections while attending massage therapy school.

First and foremost, it's essential to take advantage of the resources available  at your school. Okanagan Valley College of Massage Therapy is one of the top massage therapy schools in BC, and as a student, you have access to a wealth of resources, including mentorship clinics, alumni groups, and extracurricular activities. Attend events hosted by your school, such as open houses ,online  career fairs, and community events, to connect with professionals in the industry and learn about potential work opportunities.

Another way to build your network is to get involved in your local community.  Okanagan Valley College of Massage Therapy provides students with opportunities to volunteer at community events or offer massage services at sporting events. These types of events can be great opportunities to meet other professionals in the industry and build connections with potential employers.

In addition to attending events and volunteering, it's also essential to make use of social media platforms. Connect with classmates, instructors, and alumni on LinkedIn, and join groups related to the massage therapy industry. These groups can provide valuable insights and advice on industry trends, job opportunities, and best practices.

Lastly, don't be afraid to reach out to professionals in the industry and ask for advice or information. Many professionals are happy to mentor and guide new massage therapists, and their insights and advice can be invaluable in building your career.

Building a professional network while in school  is a great way to prepare for your career. Take advantage of resources available through school, get involved in your local community, and use social media platforms to connect with professionals in the industry. By following these tips, you'll be well on your way to building a successful career as a registered massage therapist in BC.