When two worlds collide, incredible opportunities arise. In a unique collaboration, students from the Okanagan Valley College of Massage Therapy (OVCMT) recently had the chance of a lifetime as they worked alongside the BC Lions at their training camp at TRU’s Tournament Capital Centre in Kamloops. The students were able to offer their massage therapy skills to the professional athletes, while the Lions benefited from the  work of the students . This mutually beneficial partnership left a lasting impact, leaving OVCMT grateful for the invaluable experience it provided to their students.

 For the aspiring massage therapists at OVCMT, the chance to work with professional athletes was nothing short of a dream come true. The opportunity allowed them to apply their theoretical knowledge and practical skills in a real-world setting, while gaining valuable hands-on experience with elite athletes. The BC Lions provided a unique platform for students to refine their techniques and enhance their understanding of the human body in the context of high-performance sports.

 As athletes pushed their bodies to the limit during intense training sessions, the students were there to offer relief and support through various massage techniques. The experience not only allowed students to practice their skills, but also exposed them to the challenges and demands of working with professional athletes in a fast-paced and competitive environment.

A Win-Win Situation: The collaboration between OVCMT and the BC Lions proved to be a win-win scenario. The students gained exposure to the world of professional sports and the unique requirements of working with high-performance athletes. They were able to develop their skills, refine their techniques, and build confidence under the supervision of experienced RMT’s.

On the other side of the win-win, the professional athletes received personalized treatments that helped optimize their physical well-being, allowing them to perform at their best during training sessions.

 Massage therapy plays a crucial role in enhancing athletic performance, preventing injuries, and promoting faster recovery.

 The Okanagan Valley College of Massage Therapy extends its heartfelt gratitude to the BC Lions for the remarkable opportunity provided to their students. This experience showcased the exceptional training and skills acquired at OVCMT and reinforced the importance of collaboration between educational institutions and professional sports organizations. The experience has undoubtedly left a lasting impact on the students, empowering them with knowledge and confidence as they embark on their careers as massage therapists.

 Many Students come to massage therapy  through their experiences in sport. Some from an athletic career directly, and some from an interest in treating athletes. Our program provides a wide range of opportunities  for students , not just in athletics but through  our community partnerships  with a wide variety of  patient settings. Make your massage therapy education count  with  OVCMT!